Sunday, February 15, 2015

You get to hear me talk this time

So here is me talking awkwardly:

And here is my planning if you want to look at it:

And now I'm going to grade myself:

Knowledge and understanding of text- 7.5 (can you do that? I did)
I chose this because I think I did a fairly good job analyzing the text and using my understanding of the book as a whole, but I could have talked more about the message that the book is sending as a whole and the importance of this passage within the greater context.

Understanding and use of literary features- 7
While I looked at language, I mostly focused on word choice and could have done a better job of looking into other literary devices that the author used.

Organization- 4
While the structure that I chose is mostly coherent, It may not have been the best one for this passage. I stayed fairly consistent with the framework that I created.

Language- 4
I actually have no idea what makes my language good or not but I think I did a good job?
I had plenty of "ums" though and I repeated myself quite a bit.


  1. Good organizational skill with highly specific examples that were well explained. Not sure if it's gradable, but you seemed relatively nervous (in voice) and paused several times. That being said, it was very well done (MUCH better than mine) and based upon the IB rubric I graded you between a 20-23 (overall points). Good Job.

  2. You analysis of word choice was excellent! I loved how you read the line you were referencing and then pulled out specific words. When you did this you looked at the specific connotations that various words have. This provided for a very strong analysis and argument. When you analyzed the various parts of the passage your organization was impeccable. The direct line and paragraph references you made allowed me to understand exactly where you were getting the examples from. When I looked at your planning I found it helpful that you numbered various parts of your notes. During the oral it was clearly organized, which stemmed from your planning. Finally, your conclusion was very clear! Nice job Natalie, this was an awesome oral!

  3. I agree with Morgan! I absolutely loved how you picked a certain word or series of words and thoroughly explained them. Your explanations really related to your thesis, and by the way, your thesis was clear, concise, and well supported. (It's interesting because I did a similar thesis!) I like your idea of saying the exact line number. I tried to do that in my oral commentary as well, but I think you did a much better job. And one last thing that I really loved was your analysis of words such as "we" and "they". I often don't look at that sort of stuff, so in the future, I can definitely keep that in mind! You said you weren't sure about your language, but I thought it was fantastic. You were confident, clear, easily heard, and concise. That tremendously improved your commentary as a whole. Great job, Nat! :)
