Sunday, February 15, 2015

You get to hear me talk this time

So here is me talking awkwardly:

And here is my planning if you want to look at it:

And now I'm going to grade myself:

Knowledge and understanding of text- 7.5 (can you do that? I did)
I chose this because I think I did a fairly good job analyzing the text and using my understanding of the book as a whole, but I could have talked more about the message that the book is sending as a whole and the importance of this passage within the greater context.

Understanding and use of literary features- 7
While I looked at language, I mostly focused on word choice and could have done a better job of looking into other literary devices that the author used.

Organization- 4
While the structure that I chose is mostly coherent, It may not have been the best one for this passage. I stayed fairly consistent with the framework that I created.

Language- 4
I actually have no idea what makes my language good or not but I think I did a good job?
I had plenty of "ums" though and I repeated myself quite a bit.