Sunday, December 7, 2014

What'cha Watchin'?

Lady Macbeth may have been the Queen of Scotland, But she always made time for her Netflix shows when her King was busy. Some shows in particular were her favorites.

Orange is the New Black
Just because you are married doesn't mean you can't have some woman power! This show revolving around a woman who is sent to an all female prison stars some very strong female characters. Lady Macbeth is a very big believer in the woman being a strong force in a relationship, and what better inspiration than the dominant women shown in prison in this show. Lady Macbeth can also connect with the main character. Piper broke the law and tried to move on from it, but her past followed her. Lady Macbeth can relate to this and enjoy seeing someone else in the same shoes.

The Lion King
Lady Macbeth isn't much of a fan of animated films, too silly and childish, but this one speaks to her. Unlike most people who sympathize with Simba, Lady Macbeth connect much better with the character of Scar. Scar kills the much loved king in a bid for power and becomes successful. At the end of the movie Simba returns and defeats Scar in an epic battle. Lady Macbeth approves of Scar's actions in the beginning, sometimes there has to be death in order for a new era to begin, but sees the ending as unrealistic because no king would let their kingdom get that bad, and therefore no one would try to overthrow them, right? RIGHT?

This show revolves around a blood splatter analyst working for the Miami Police Department who is also a serial killer. The main character only kills people who he think deserve it such as rapists and murderers. Lady Macbeth is a definite fan of this show. She can connect very well with a character who holds a respectable and high up position in society, but also accepts that killing is sometimes the best way to get what you want. Unfortunately for Lady Macbeth, every time she watches this show she has to wash her hands several times to get the image of blood splatters out of her mind.

This show features another strong willed woman. Olivia Pope is a former government employee who is trying to leave behind a past that haunts her. This show is definitely appealing to Lady Macbeth because of its drama. The main character has to face her past coming back to haunt her and working as a woman in a world dominated by men. Lady Macbeth connects with this and loves seeing how Olivia deals with her problems. Perhaps it is the man troubles or the haunting past, Lady Macbeth is glued to the TV when this show is on.

There are surely more movies and TV shows that would appear on Lady Macbeth's favorites list, but these few are the ones she likes the best. Unfortunately for her, she can't stay hidden behind the TV screen forever!

1 comment:

  1. I love your connections to the various films, but I particularly like your connection to The Lion King. You made me realize that Lady Macbeth really reflects Scar. She and Scar are both power hungry and wish to own the throne. They do slightly differ because Scar takes actions directly into his hand's while Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband to perform the murdering. She would most likely really appreciate the actions Scar takes, and I like how you pointed this out. Also, I love how you referenced the cleaning of hands at the end of your explanation about Dexter. It was a really nice tie to Macbeth! Really great blog post and insightful film analysis.
